Monday, October 3, 2016

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

Marana Pumpkin Patch
      So this past weekend was the opening of the pumpkin patch. I wanted to start October off with a fall bang, so away we went. Other than it being little bit warm... quite a bit warm, we had a great time and got our money's worth that's for sure! We have gone to Marana Pumpkin Patch for the past 3 years and they just keep adding more and more! Extremely kid friendly with a couple play grounds with slides and climbing what nots. A train! Tractor rides shaped in pumpkins, peddle carts, pumpkin cannons, petting zoo, pig racing, zip line, and more. Overall it was a great and successful day! 

 I really loved that this year they had a huge set up of places you can take pictures
all in place with multiple little sets.

 He is just too cute!

 Jumping pillows! Evas wasn't quite a fan.
Probably because Daddy was bouncing too

 The train!!!!!

 Eva was so excited for the "choo choo" train

 Pumpkin train

 Daddy being a great daddy , doing the peddle carts 

 This was a new addition a giant blow up jumping pillow
shaped as a pumpkin

Shooting little pumpkins at an old truck!

 Tractor ride to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins!

 Beautiful scenery

 Our bounty! 

 I don't know if you can tell but this is her after picture 
and how filthy and covered in 
dirt she got

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