Monday, October 19, 2015

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch!

Marana Pumpkin Patch
Our wee baby with the wee pumpkins we chose!

 We spent the day at the pumpkin patch few days ago! Nothing like a hot Arizona day and trying to pretend it feels like fall. Though, we had an awesome day! We spent the day taking Eva on train rides, tractor rides, and a pumpkin train. She rode her first pony, bounced on some kind of pillow jumper thingy and traversed the impressive pumpkin patch for our wee pumpkins

My little orb diffuser. I actually have the bottom backwards haha

   I tried to prepare us for the many allergy triggers we'd encounter hay, grass, weeds, animals, and whatever else you can think of. I diffused some RC and Lavender by Young Living on the car ride there, about 45 minutes to an hour. Last year before I had our oils the day there knocked me out the rest of the week fighting an allergy attack/turned sinus infection. But it was not this day! Boom.

Right before our tractor ride to pick out our 

Allergy trio- Lavender, lemon, and peppermint

  Josh also brought our allergy roll-on which we used a few times on ourselves - bridge of our nose and behind our ears. We would put on the bottoms of Eva's feet everytime we had to take her shoes off for something and we'd swipe it a few times before putting them back on. Over all we are feeling great and no signs of allergies in this house! I really think the RC was the tipping point in our family of managing seasonal allergies here in Arizona. Woot!

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