Thursday, October 15, 2015

It's been a few weeks...heck couple years

     What a day! Well not actually, just feels like one when you're 25 weeks pregnant and chasing a hellion of a toddler around amIright? Can I get an amen sister? Seriously, I'm currently chugging that beauty you see below (for some reason I don't like any other coffee right now *shrug*) staring at this lovely computer screen and catching the occasional whiffs of the Chinese almond cashew lunch I devoured that is staining yet another T-shirt. In my defense my toddler was climbing all over me! Buuuttt anyway. Anybody else struggling with just moving lately? Whether you're pregnant or just getting caught up in life?
Seriously chugging guys! So good!

     I finally got around to trying a new beauty ehhh let's be honest here-ACNE regimen. Pregnancy hormones have yet again kicked in to an already struggling acne-prone skin. I mean come on! Wasn't this crap supposed to end when your teenage years did?! So, I usually do a bergamot, frankincense, lemon Young Living Essential Oils in my make-up. For more info on Young Living please click here , it's the ONLY brand of essential oils I choose to use in my hippie life and on my child, dogs and hubs. I'm sure you'll see them a lot on my blog. But being that my hormones are on the fritz more than normal I've decided to experiment! I love experimenting with different recipes! Anyway, this go round I went with the usual and amazing frank, tea tree, gentle baby and purification to see if it'll help combat these awful pimples. I, also, put a drop of lavender in my mascara to help lengthen and grow those babies out. *note - you should always use caution with any oils and in no way should they be used in your eyes! Please use discretion and as I stated above go with an accredited, above par oil instead of any that could have more synthetics than actual oils in them. *

Look at that beautiful tree in that background! I have a problem! 
It's October and I couldn't wait!

*If you want any more info on Young Living please shoot me an email! I love sharing the oil love!*

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