Friday, October 16, 2015

When your baby cries, you cry

      Eva had to have her blood drawn again today. She did when she turned one in March and it was so horrible for everyone. She had to go in 3 times because they can't take a full panel since she's so small and once they couldn't even get any blood. Screaming, squirming, and all that comes with a child being prodded commenced. Her results were all within the normal range except for her growth hormone. That then lead to being seen by a not-so-impressive "pediatric" endocrinologist in Phoenix who ordered more blood work, all of which she had previously but he added a few more. So here we are... round one of two for her blood work.

 My small, pitiful baby about to be poked :(

     It must've been my pregnancy hormones because I wept the whole time! I felt so bad for Josh since he was the "bad" guy and had to hold her down. All you could hear was her sobbing! Ugh it was terrible, just thinking about it makes me want to cry all over again. To make matters worse they couldn't get any blood from one arm and she had to be poked again on her other. When we got to the car I cried even more. By then she was fine and recovered but there I was sitting in the front seat just doing hiccup sobs and using a old toilet paper nose wipe I used for Eva a few days before (I couldn't find the napkins I usually keep stashed in the car haha). Josh told me to stop before he started crying lol! "She deserves a treat." And since she still isn't completely over her milk allergy, ice cream was out so Starbucks it was! It was a great recovery for both Eva and Mommy!

She didn't even get a fourth of this finished,
but it was a special occasion

    I will say God works in great ways! While outside of Starbucks, Josh was doing me the favor of chasing around a somewhat wobbly Eva and these two older ladies were there and of course Eva charms almost everyone she meets! We struck up a conversation and one lady asked our names so she could pray for Eva. Talk about wanting to cry all over again. It was such a blessing! I can't imagine what families with sick children that have to go every few months or whatever to have their childs blood drawn. It breaks my heart and I know I'll be praying and thinking of them often. 

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