Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lets Be Real

Gettin Honest
    So as I've written before I had a large baby... 11 lbs of awesome baby chubby fat love, but things went awry bringing him earthside. A c-section and a very long recovery... which resulted in *gasp* post-partum anxiety! Did you know that 10-15% of women suffer from post partum in some form. Honestly, in my opinion, it would be way higher but woman feel it is somehow shameful. And I get it. I thought so to... before kids.

    There's just so much going on with healing, and all those emotions and hormones going crazy! Seriously it was awful and I was loosing my mind. Still am loosing my mind, but I'm dealing and coping. 

    I even have broken down and finally went for help and was prescribed Zoloft. A very low dose and just something to help regulate my emotions until these hormones can calm the heck down. But it has been such a subtle but noticeable impact. The frustration and anxiety of the day had eased to a degree that I'm capable in properly managing it. I've laughed and joked with my husband more the last 5 weeks than in a long time.

    I have also been properly digging into my Bible and the study my women of PWOC are studying right now. I wake up with a goal to somewhere in my day sit down in delve into the word. Ideally while both heathens nap, but lets be honest, how often does that happen? So at least when heathen number 2 naps.
Fundamentals of Faith-very, very good study.
Check it out.

    And I've been making a point to at least keep the kitchen, table and living room picked up and vacuumed, wiped down at least once a day. I mean if you fellow readers have a child from the age 4 months to....say 18+ then you know.... that living room rug gets "crumby" quick.

    I'm ashamed to say but happy at the same time to enjoy and pay attention better to our 3 critters. It was a sad state I was in that I could barely pet them, show any affection and it was showing in their behavior too *sad face*

Simon the Weim
Leo the Cat 
and not pictured 
Pippin the Yorkie

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